
11 November 2013: Internal Situation
Press Release (2): Internal Situation 
For more details, please see the following:
English Report                           English Tables
Arabic Report                             Arabic Tables    
Publication date: 11 November 2013
Fieldwork date: 20-22 October 2013
Sample size: 1,200 Palestinians in the West Bank & Gaza Strip
Margin of error: + 3 %
  • 63 percent of Gazans and 32 percent of West Bank respondents are aware of the Tammarud Gaza movement.
  • 54 percent of Gazans and 38 percent of West Bank respondents believe that the government in Gaza is authoritarian.
  • 34 percent of West Bank respondents and 30 percent of Gazans believe the PA government is authoritarian. 
  • 38 percent would choose a government headed by Hamdallah, while 17 percent would choose a government led by Haniyeh. Simultaneously, 36 percent would not choose either.
  • 68 percent oppose the dissolution of the PA.
  • 46 percent are pessimistic about ending the division between Fatah and Hamas.
  • 40 percent believe that forming a national unity government will lead to ending the division, while 34 percent say conducting new national elections will lead to the same result.
  • 87 percent support the conducting of a legislative and presidential election.
  • 91 percent of Gazans support the immediate conducting of both elections.
  • 42 percent of the public would vote for Mahmoud Abbas, 17 percent would vote for Khaled Mashaal and a final 43 percent would not vote or are undecided.
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