“Arab Perceptions of Women Leaders in Media, Civil and Political Avenues.” Arab Women's Leadership Institute (AWLI) – Jordan. 2014-On-going.
For this assignment, AWRAD distributed 6,000 questionnaires across three countries (Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Yemen). The aim of this project, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), was to provide an improved understanding of public perceptions towards women. The questionnaire contained both country-specific questions asking about women and country-specific media outlets, country-specific civil society organizations, and country-specific political parties and institutions. The questionnaire also asked a large set of unified questions to develop a regional understanding of public perceptions of women leaders and women leadership activity.
“West Bank Qualitative Study: Recruitment, Field Work, Transcription and Analysis.” BBC Media Action (BBCMA). 2014-2015.
AWRAD was contracted to conduct 20 focus groups in partnership with BBCMA, measuring the perceptions of Palestinian viewers of two specific TV programs. AWRAD was responsible for assembling the office and field team as well as training for focus group facilitation. AWRAD’s field team conducted 20 focus groups across four locations in the West Bank and was responsible for translating and transmitting all data at the close of the project.
“Palestinian Civil Society and Media Sector Assessment.” USAID – Democracy & Governance Sector. 2013-2014.
This assessment contributed to the understanding of civil society and media and identified the potential interventions needed to enhance the strength and sustainability of the Palestinian civil society and media sector. The assessment included an evaluation of the external environment and context in which civil society and media currently exist and function, challenges and opportunities in sector to enable potential strategies to be delineated and better aligned in support of a vibrant Palestinian civil society and independent media sector. The assessment also identified how significant issues, geographic areas, gender, and potential effectiveness of civil society and media institutions impact the sector. All key sector perspectives were captured through integrating a variety of data sources, and quantitative and qualitative research methods were employed to contextualize research findings. A total of 15 focus groups, 22 interviews and one survey targeting 553 CSOs, media outlets and key informants were carried out. The final report provided seven recommendations focused on areas for potential programmatic focus, suggestions for changes in internal USAID practice and an overall recommendation for all donors to help improve the environment for engagement of civil society with the public authorities.
“Palestinian Media Monitoring of Gender Equality.” Radio Nisaa FM, DeutcheWelle. 2014.
AWRAD conducted a specialized media monitoring study for Radio Nisaa FM and the German “Deutsche Welle Akademie” Foundation, on gender. The study aimed to shed light on the reality of the Palestinian media with regard to gender issues from two perspectives; one about the perception and stereotypical portrayal of Palestinian women in the media, and another on the status of Palestinian female journalists (working conditions, job security and many other issues.)
“Radio Nisaa FM: Three Years After; Results of a Survey in the West Bank and Gaza.” Radio Nisaa FM. 2013.
The survey aimed to understand the use of radio as a media outlet, study the landscape of radio stations among Palestinians, assess the status of Nisaa FM (96 Nisaa FM), investigate the socio-economic profile of listeners, assess the needs and priorities of listeners concerning issues relevant to women and gender equality, and provide recommendations to improve the standing of Nisaa FM. AWRAD authored a report detailing the findings of a survey carried out in all West Bank and Gaza regions which constitutes a follow-up survey to a smaller scale survey that took place during December 2010. AWRAD collected quantitative data on the perceptions and attitudes of respondents covering 635 Palestinian adults (18 years or more) in both the West Bank and Gaza, providing overall analysis and other disaggregation by region, gender, age, and education.
“Monitoring and Evaluation of CPP’s Impact on Civil Society and Local Governments, Civic Participation Program (CPP).” Catholic Relief Services (CRS). 2011- 2014.
AWRAD implemented a series of evaluations to gauge the $20 million USAID-funded CPP’s on-going and cumulative impact on all beneficiaries. Over a three years period, AWRAD produced regular performance and impact data for learning, decision-making and reporting purposes. The assignment included the conducting of baseline and end-line surveys, thematic studies and periodic reporting. The thematic studies focused on gender and civic participation, youth and civic participation and promoting partnership and networking. Stakeholders included NGOs, CBOs, PA ministries and local government entities. A mixed method approach was adopted throughout.
“Assessment of Media Development in Palestine.” Birzeit University Media Development Center (BZU MDC). 2012-2013.
The assessment highlighted researches on various related media topics, including media curricula, infrastructure, laws, ethics and syndicate regulatory procedures and action. The 18 month study covered both the West Bank and Gaza, as a partnership between the MDC at Birzeit University, and UNESCO. AWRAD conducted opinion polls, using a representative sample of 555 journalists (60 percent from the West Bank and 40 percent from the Gaza Strip) carried out concurrently in both parts of the country. AWRAD completed 400 questionnaires through face-to-face interviews, and 155 questionnaires through phone or by email. The sample was chosen from a comprehensive list of journalists working in Palestine, taken from sources such as the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate, the directory of the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA), CSOs and government institutions to ensure equal representation across the various sectors. To complement the results of the opinion poll, the research team carried out a total of 58 interviews in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Interviewees included media experts, journalists, media managers, representatives of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate, civil society representatives and members of government. The assessment was supported by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
“Mapping and Participatory Needs Assessment of Civil Society in Libya.” AWRAD. 2012.
AWRAD completed a CSO mapping study on evolving Libyan civil society in November 2012. The study was carried out by the AWRAD team in Libya and Palestine employing a participatory approach. The data was collected through a survey of CSOs in the various regions of the country. Data and analysis were also carried out through six focus groups and in-depth interviews. A full mapping report and a directory of 100 CSOs are now available. AWRAD organized a national validation workshop to discuss the preliminary results of the mapping. Two additional focus groups with CSOs, youth organizations, and government officials were also conducted during November 2012. The study is supported by the Foundation for the Future.
“Poll on TV and Radio Follow-up in Palestine.” Ma’an News Agency. 2012.
AWRAD conducted a special media public opinion poll for the Ma’an News Agency to assess the followership patterns for the Ma’an network. AWRAD provided detailed data for the Agency on the viewership patterns in terms of geography, age and gender.
“Evaluation of PNGO III Capacity Building Interventions.” Palestinian NGO Development Center (NDC) and Welfare Association. 2011.
Through this World Bank funded assignment, AWRAD evaluated the capacity building interventions under the third Palestinian NGO project (PNGOIII). The objective of this study was to measure the effectiveness of NDC’s capacity building interventions under PNGOIII in bringing NDC supported NGOs and NGO networks to a higher level of capacity through a review and assessment of the different types of assistance provided in achieving positive outcomes of the capacity building interventions. The team collected the data through desk review, 100 interviews in addition to focus groups and case studies.
“National Survey in Palestine: Media Use.” Intermedia Survey Institute. 2010.
In 2010, AWRAD partnered with Intermedia Survey Institute to conduct a survey on media use in Palestine. The central objective of the survey was to collect data on media use in general, foreign listenership behavior and existing and potential listener preferences. A representative sample of 1,500 Palestinians over the age of 15 was targeted across the West Bank and Gaza. The questionnaire measured several important topics including general media use, radio listenership, international radio listenership, other media (TV, Internet) followership and perceptions of foreign countries.
“Study on the Use of Internet by Palestinian Youth in the West Bank and Gaza.” AWRAD. 2010.
AWRAD conducted a national public opinion poll measuring use of the Internet and modern online technology among youth. The survey measured consumption patterns, use of social networking site, followership of various news sites and devices used to access the Internet, among other topics. This was accomplished through quantitative surveys and qualitative focus groups. A total of 1,200 youth were targeted for the survey drawn from a random sample of households and also Internet café patrons. Furthermore, eight focus groups were conducted with youth in the West Bank and Gaza. At the close of the project, AWRAD authored an illustrative report detailing the major results.
“Media, Radio and TV Survey.” Pan Arab Research Center (PARC). 2009-2010.
AWRAD partnered with PARC to carry out a national household survey on national media viewership trends in Palestine. The survey was conducted across all governorates in Palestine and was representative according to locality, gender, refugee status and other demographics. In total, 1,400 Palestinians were interviewed.
“Galaxy TV and Satellite Survey.” Pan Arab Research Center (PARC). 2009.
For this project, AWRAD worked with PARC to conduct a survey on TV viewership and media trends in Palestine. The project was defined by the distribution of quantitative survey questionnaires among Palestinians living in Gaza, Ramallah and al Bireh and Nablus. In total, 300 interviews were conducted, according to population of the city.
“Organizational and Strategic Review Evaluation of Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center.” Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center. 2009.
AWRAD carried out an organizational and strategic review of the Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center (KSCC). The main goal of this endeavor was to help ensure that after years of operations, the KSCC can reflect and review its progress, role and strategic impact to date and to assess the optimum role and use of resources to meet its mission and mandate within a changing social and cultural environment. The sources of data for this evaluation were the existing documents of the KSCC, in-depth interviews with stakeholders and experts, and focus groups with various categories of the KSCC audience.
“Mapping and Evaluation of Palestinian NGOs.” Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress. 2008.
This project surveyed the different categories of Palestinian NGOs, to understand their needs and priorities. The study also aimed at providing recommendations for planning for development from the perspective of the various NGOs. It involved carrying out scores of focus groups with representatives and beneficiaries of NGOs in all 11 districts in the West Bank.
“Media and Palestinian Public Opinion The West Bank and Gaza Strip: Media Surveys.” AWRAD, 2011-On-going.
On a quarterly basis AWRAD is producing reports derived from a quantitative survey conducted to measure media use as it relates to political preference in Palestine. Over the past three years, AWRAD has conducted 10 separate surveys, comprising 52,000 questionnaires, and reported on the major trends. Each survey is designed to be complementary to allow quick and easy comparison with earlier results, in order to determine the most visible, as well as detailed trends. Each report is complete with visual aids, including tables and graphs, to assist the reader’s comprehension. Significantly, each report includes significant conclusions on the state of media and political opinions to help guide policy formulation and programming awareness.