publication Date: 17/8/2013
Fieldwork: 27-29/7/ 2013
Sample Size: 1200 Palestinian Youth (18-30 years old)
West Bank & Gaza
Margin of error: + 3 %
AWRAD recently completed an “Opinion Poll of Palestinian Youth.” In the course of this survey, AWRAD surveyed 1,200 Palestinian youth (18-30 years old) in the West Bank and Gaza, similar to a survey completed in January 2012. The results provide illustrative data on the attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs of Palestinian youth. This current press release is one in a series highlighting findings on the following issues: the peace process, political and social activism, the Arab Spring and its implications on Palestine, evaluation of leaders and political groups, and policy priorities. The focus of this specific release is primarily youth attitudes on their role in the community, as well as participation in social and political activism. The most significant results are listed below:
I. Youth and Policy:
The results of AWRAD’s most recent poll illustrate that youth remain positive about their role in the community. 56 percent of youth believe they have the opportunity to express their views, stable from January 2012. In addition, 23 percent believe that the concerns of young people are largely integrated in public policies and decisions, and 37 percent believe that they are integrated
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