
9 MAY 2017:Online Survey of Palestinian Opinion Leaders

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Online Survey 10 May 2017
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Palestinian Opinion Leaders:
An Online Survey

The following press release presents the results of AWRAD’s most recent online survey of Palestinian opinion leaders. 300 participants were selected for the current poll, including leaders of Palestinian media, academia, the private sector, government, and civil society. Sample size: 300, May 2017. 

Prisoners’ Strike: With commentary offering varying analyses of the Strike, 78 percent of respondents cite conditions in Israeli prisons as its primary cause, while 14 percent identify internal Palestinian politics. 94 percent believe the hunger strikers will realize their objectives fully or to some extent.

Municipal ElectionsPalestinians are split on the conducting of elections exclusively in the West Bank, currently scheduled for May 13, with opposition in Gaza reaching 72 percent. Among West Bankers, 57 percent say that they will vote. A plurality believes that further division within Fatah will be the primary result of the contest.
Hamas and Governance: Recently, Hamas declared support for presidential and legislative elections. 77 percent of respondents in this survey believe this is merely a political tactic. Regardless of actual intent, 74 percent support the holding of such elections at the present time. In response to Hamas’ statement that it was willing to cede control of government ministries in Gaza to the PA, 79 percent of respondents also view this as a ploy.

Pay Cuts in Gaza64 percent of respondents believe the announced pay cut for civil servants in Gaza is an attempt by the PA to end Hamas’ rule in the Strip. 51 percent of West Bank respondents believe the PA should continue to pay the civil servants; in Gaza, this number increases to 67 percent. A further 53 percent say that presidential and legislative elections are the best means to resolve the tensions.

East JerusalemOver half of the respondents view the relationship between the PA and East Jerusalem as completely or somewhat unproductive. A majority of respondents find the security, economic and recreational circumstances in East Jerusalem to be wholly unsatisfactory.

Israeli Work Permits: 80 percent of those surveyed say that Israeli work permits are very or somewhat important to the Palestinian economy, with 70 percent supporting an increase in quantity.

Full Findings
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