Public Opinion on the Gaza War: A Cross-National Perspective 735


On October 18, 2024, Dr. Nader Said, Director General of the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD), participated in a workshop titled "Public Opinion on the Gaza War: A Multinational Perspective." The workshop aimed to discuss the results of a public opinion survey conducted in partnership between AWRAD in Palestine and the West Asia North Africa (WANA) Regional Chapter of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) in Iraq. The survey was conducted across Nine Middle Eastern countries—Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Kuwait, Libya, and Pakistan—to explore public perceptions and attitudes one year into the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza. Dr. Said highlighted several key points about the study’s implementation in Palestine:

  1. AWRAD's Long-standing Role: AWRAD has been actively working in Gaza for many years, and this survey is the fifth conducted since the onset of the latest Israeli aggression on October 7, 2023.
  2. Survey Methodology and Data Collection: AWRAD collected data from thousands of individuals through a dedicated team of 130 specialized researchers.
  3. Survey Sample: The survey sample consisted of 505 Palestinians, including 302 from the West Bank governorates and 205 from Gaza. The sample was designed to reflect current demographic shifts, population movements, and displacement due to the conflict. With a margin of error of ±4.2%, this survey reflects the broader Palestinian society, recognizing that in social sciences, some margin of error is expected, unlike in natural sciences, where certainty often reaches 100%. The sample was randomly selected to represent various segments of Palestinian society:
  • Age: All participants were aged 18 and above, representing a range of age groups
  • Gender: The sample included equal representation of men and women, in line with societal proportions.
  • Education: Levels included preparatory (up to nine years of schooling), secondary (10-12 years), 1-2 year diplomas, and bachelor’s degrees or higher.

     4. Key Findings: Dr. Said shared notable survey results, such as:

  • Motivations: 39% of respondents believe that Hamas engaged in the war to defend Palestinian rights and seek the liberation of Palestine.
  • Trust in Hamas: 62% of respondents expressed trust in Hamas, which Dr. Said attributes to Hamas' role in resisting Israeli occupation. This trust has contributed to Hamas' rising popularity in the West Bank, strengthened by media portrayals of its actions in response to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

For more details on the workshop, watch the recording here: 








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