
18 June 2011: Reconciliation, New government, Elections, Arab Uprising and Negotiations

For more details, please see the following:

English Report                 English Results

Arabic Report                   Arabic Results

For video link, please see the following:


Publication date: 18 June2011
Fieldwork:  12-13 June 2011 
Sample size: 1500 Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza
Margin of Error:  +2.5%


  • The overall rating of the Palestinian President has improved from 63 percent to 76 percent.
  • 82 percent support a move by the Palestinian leadership to seek UN recognition of a Palestinian state.
  • 71 percent believe that the reconciliation agreement serves Palestinian interests.
  • 52 percent think that Salam Fayyad should continue to be the Prime Minster within the new government.
  • 56 percent fear that the upcoming government will be controlled by Fatah and Hamas.
  • The priorities of the new government:  Economy and jobs (47 percent), security (19 percent), recognition of Palestine at UN (17%).



















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