With support from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), AWRAD is engaged in carrying out (The Survey for the Identification of Stakeholder Groups and Engagement Modalities in the Jordan Valley, for the Project for Improvement in Local Governance System in Palestine - Community Empowerment Component). AWRAD was entrusted by JICA, to lead a comprehensive study that covers the Jordan Valley with its 22 villages and towns that fall within three districts (Jericho, Nablus and Tubas). In total, the project will organize about 60 focus groups and carry out about 220 interviews with representatives of various stakeholder groups. AWRAD had recently launched a survey for (JICA). The survey will be conducted to identify the different stakeholder groups and
engagement modalities and propose appropriate methods for engaging citizens in planning and deliberation processes. The survey is part of the project for improvement in local governance system in Palestine (community empowerment component). And it will pave the way for the JICA team to draft a Local Development Strategy (“LDS”) by “clusters” of local government units (“LGUs”). The purpose of this strategy is to broaden the perspectives of the representatives and residents of these LGUs and develop their confidence in conducting joint planning and
activities, which will provide impetus towards merging the LGU functions under a joint council arrangement. The final strategy document will be used as a basis for their own development activities as well as for guiding the investment of central government ministries and development partners.
AWRAD, through its General Director, and JICA had signed a cooperation agreement on February 10, 2008. Dr. Said, the team leader explains that the survey methodology is participatory in nature. And it will be informed by sociological, as well as anthropological approaches. The methodology is grounded within the context of these communities, taking into consideration their historical, geographic, political and cultural conditions.
Moreover, the study will rely heavily on the work of the field researchers, who are well - trained and experienced in data collection, interviewing and focus group facilitation. The team had already completed the first stage of the survey in one of the four regions under consideration.